Graduate Student

Photo of Sherry

Sherry Chao

5th Year in Harvard Bioinformatics & Integrative Genomics
Probabilistic methods development for cancer immunology; computer vision for biomedical images with clinical applications

Yipei Guo

PhD in Biophysics from Harvard University

Programming cells, evolutionary dynamics, transcription network stability

Ofer Kimchi

5th Year in Harvard Biophysics
RNA free energy landscapes; post-translational protein oscillators; self-assembly of protein multimers

Andrei A. Klishin

PhD in Physics from University of Michigan, Fellow of Harvard SEAS

Statistical mechanics framework for design problems in Naval Engineering and self-assembly, tensor network methods for classical statistical...

Read more about Andrei A. Klishin

Seong Ho Pahng

4th Year in Harvard Chemistry
Developing neural network-based surrogate model for Monte Carlo; Characterizing phase-change material with simulation and statistical mechanics