Collagen-Inspired Self-Assembly of Twisted Filaments


Martin J. Falk, Amy Duwel, Lucy J. Colwell, and Michael P. Brenner. 2019. “Collagen-Inspired Self-Assembly of Twisted Filaments.” Physical Review Letters, 123, 23.


Collagen consists of three peptides twisted together through a periodic array of hydrogen bonds. Here we use this as inspiration to find design rules for programmed specific interactions for self-assembling synthetic collagen like triple helices, starting from disordered configurations. The assembly generically nucleates defects in the triple helix, the characteristics of which can be manipulated by spatially varying the enthalpy of helix formation. Defect formation slows assembly, evoking kinetic pathologies that have been observed to mutations in the primary collagen amino acid sequence. The controlled formation and interaction between defects gives a route for hierarchical self-assembly of bundles of twisted filaments.